Electronic components refer to devices that can complete circuit functions and are installed on circuit boards. They are an important part of electronic products. Common electronic components include resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, triodes, integrated circuits, etc.
Here are some basic knowledge of electronic components:
Resistors: Resistors are components used to control current and voltage in circuits. They are usually made of conductive materials and have different resistance values ??and powers.
Capacitor MLCC: Capacitors are components that can store charge and electrical energy. They are composed of two conductive plates and dielectric materials, and are divided into two types: fixed capacitors and variable capacitors.
Inductors: Inductors are components used to store electromagnetic energy. They are composed of a coil and an iron core, and can be used in circuit applications such as filtering, voltage transformation, and oscillation.
Diodes: Diodes are components with unidirectional conductivity. They are usually made of semiconductor materials and can be used for rectification, protection, switching, and other applications.
Triodes: Triodes are components that can amplify electrical signals. They are usually made of semiconductor materials and can be used for amplification, switching, oscillation, and other applications.
Integrated Circuit: An integrated circuit is a chip that integrates multiple components. They are usually made of semiconductor materials and can realize complex logic, storage and control functions.
The above are some basic knowledge of electronic components. Knowing this knowledge will help you understand the working principles of electronic products and be able to choose appropriate components for circuit design and maintenance.